Cape Town 21 - 22 February 2025
Register nowSpeakers
Deidre McPherson, Martin Forlee, Bhekifa Dube, Anthony Sander, Nick Maynard, Santhuri Viranna, Galya Chinnery, Matthias Scriba, Christo Kloppers, Heather Bougard, Linda Pohl, Mark Hampton, Adam Boutall, Dion Levin, Karin Hardimann, Nsizwenye Mkhwanazi, Marc Bernon, Bart Rose, Dale Creamer, M Venter, David Thomson, Lydia Cairncross
Conference fees
Specialist Surgeon in state or private practice | R3500 |
Trainee (Registrar) conference only | R2000 |
Trainee (Registrar) FCS in a day only (21 February 2025) | R1500 |
Trainee (Registrar) FCS in a day and full conference | R2500 |
Medical Student | R500 |
Parking | R60/day |
The Programme
Friday, 21 February 2025
Registration opens at 08h00
Programme starts at 10h00
Saturday, 22 February 2025
Programme starts at 09h00
Welcome letter
Dear Participants
We are very excited to invite you to our 2025 Surgical Update Conference taking place on the 21st and 22nd of February this year, which promises to build on the impressive standards set at our previous conferences. Each year the Division of General Surgery, University of Cape Town Surgical Update Conference attracts general surgeons from both the State and Private Sector across South Africa and this year will be no different. We have no less than 4 international speakers ranging in experts from Colorectal cancer to HPB Surgery surgery and we are pleased to welcome our 2025 Penman Memorial Lecturer, Professor Nick Maynard who is a leading Upper GI Surgeon based at Oxford University.
We will also host our popular “FCS in a day” Workshop on the 20th of February which is aimed at trainees preparing to write their final exams this year.
Without the invaluable support of our local corporate partners, a congress like this would be impossible so a big thanks to them, who continue to support us despite the difficult economic climate. You can find more information on our sponsors by clicking on their logos below.
We have significantly reduced the prices for trainees and have also included a student rate to make it possible for them to attend. We anticipate a full and interactive meeting with delegates from across South Africa and many from our neighbouring countries, a truly international and multi-cultural meeting.
The congress will have a lot of exciting opportunities for clinicians to engage with new clinical methods as well as an update and overview of surgical techniques. It will also be a great opportunity for senior registrars preparing for exams to get a great overview of important topics in the field.
It is our wish that all our delegates will have a great time in Cape Town and look forward to hosting you at our 2025 Surgical Update Conference.
Professor L CairncrossHead and Chair: Division of General Surgery
Head: Department of Surgery, University of Cape Town
The Venue. Convenient.
DoubleTree by Hilton Cape Town, Upper Eastside, Woodstock, in Cape Town, offers affordable accommodation which combines 4-star amenities with five-star service. This Upper Eastside Hotel in Cape Town is an 183-room hotel which is owned by the exclusive Hilton Hotel chain.
It is in a central area, with a backdrop of the Devil's Peak Mountain and the harbour, it's location ensures convenient, hassle-free access to Cape Town’s downtown and central business district and has some conferencing facilities, making it ideal for business travellers.

And lastly, Accommodation. Checkin.
Conference Hotel
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotels, Cape Town at Upper Eastside, Woodstock
Email for reservations: asanda.makhofola@hilton.com
Booking ID: GCUCT
Airport transfers: rec1@uppereastsidehotel.co.za